Submission > Authors guide

Submit an abstract

The call for papers is open until 27/09/2024. Submission of an abstract does not constitute registration for the conference. If your abstract is accepted, you will be able to present your work during the conference with a lightning talk and a poster.

A participant may submit only one abstract, and may present only one poster (presenter underlined in abstract title). Only registered participants will have their papers published in the proceedings.

Submission of an abstract implies that all authors have given their agreement to publication in the conference proceedings.

Guidelines for writing abstracts

Submissions should consist of a single abstract, the maximum size of which depends on the state of progress of the work (2 pages project, 4 pages intermediate stage, 6 pages if the project is completed), adopting as far as possible, even in this condensed form, the structure of the usual scientific communication: (i) context and objectives, (ii) material and methods, (iii) results and discussion / first results / expected results, (iv) conclusion and perspectives.

Submissions must be in Word format (saved as .doc or .docx), and must not exceed 0.5 MB per page. It is important to use the French version of TEMPLATE GDR 2024 (FR), or the English version of TEMPLATE GDR 2024 (ENG), and to follow the formatting instructions for correct editing of the proceedings. Files must be named with the first and last name of the author presenting the flash talk, as follows: “GDR_bois_2024_Nom_Prenom_Laboratoire.docx”.

GDR bois 2024 ENG

How to submit

Go to your “logged-in area” and click on Submit an abstract. There are 4 intuitive steps to submitting your abstract:

    Enter the title in lower case (first letter in upper case) and choose one of the themes in which your work fits.
    Fill in the names and affiliations of all authors, indicating the author who will be presenting the work at the conference. At least one of the authors must be a speaker.
    In the “File(s)” section, select the abstract .docx file (based on the suggested template), and click on “Transfer”. Do not fill in the “Additional data” section (no longer required for previous editions).
    Check the summary and click on “Submit”.

A window will open indicating that the submission has been successfully transmitted, and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to you and your co-authors.Acceptance criteria

Any submission that does not strictly comply with the following criteria will be returned to the authors.

    Compliance with submission guidelines.
    Use of the template.
    Correct spelling and scientific content of interest to the GDR Sciences du Bois community.

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