Submission > Posters & flashtalks guidelines

Instructions for posters

  •     Maximum size A0: 85 cm × 120 cm

  •     Orientation: portrait

  •     Installation: on a support grid

  •     The poster number must appear on the poster.

Instructions for flash talks

At the start of the poster session, each poster presenter must give a "flash presentation" lasting a maximum of 1 to 2 minutes. Consequently, a maximum of 2 transparencies is required. There is no pre-set template. Please note that young doctors or doctoral students nearing the end of their thesis can add 1 extra slide (30s more) if they wish, to convey the message "I'm looking for a job or a post-doc".

An example of a typical flash-talk outline (example of a PhD student, to be adapted for other cases):
   "My name is ...,
    am a PhD student in lab ...
    under the supervision of ...
    This work concerns the theme ... (no need to repeat the title, it's there in large letters)
    We're interested in this question because ... (describe in one sentence what is at stake in the work for the theme in general).
    We want to know if... (describe in one sentence the specific issue of the work).
    To do this, we used/developed the techniques/tools/theories ... (a sentence on the methods)
    and worked on ... (a sentence about the material)
    and to find out more, come to my poster no...!"

The program for the flash talk sessions will be posted online, giving you your poster and flash talk numbers.
Flash presentations must be submitted in Powerpoint AND PDF format to by Friday November 15 at the latest (please compress images to reduce file size).

The organizers will associate the deposits to save transition time during the sessions. These instructions will be sent to you by e-mail after your abstract has been accepted.

Please wait for confirmation of acceptance of your publication before sending your flashtalk material.

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